So our 2nd stop was at Santa Clara University. This is a small, Catholic school that was recommended to me by our college planner. I knew only the basics about it, as well as that it had a D1 water polo team, which was obviously a plus. We went on a tour in the rain and then sat for a short, informational talk. It sounds like a tough school to get into. Grades and test scores need to be high. Being a water polo player will help. We all really liked the school, even if it does seem a bit small. The girls really liked it, and though I think Stephen would do well there, I think it might be a better fit for the girls.
Next stop was Stanford. We had an informational meeting only scheduled. The meeting was very good, and they mentioned a tour afterward. We begged and they agreed to let us join the tour even though it was full. Of course the tour sealed the deal. It makes it so much more personal to have someone explaining the buildings and letting you inside. The church was beautiful as was the campus. The story behind it was very cool too. The original Stanford family had a son that died at the age of 16. They wanted something to carry on his memory and decided on a university. One of the 5 things that they agreed upon was that they would never sell any of the land. It is an amazing place. I don't know how high grades need to be to get into Stanford, but I know it would be much higher than where Stephen is now. It's definitely something to work towards.
At dinner that evening we talked about the favorites so far. They all liked UCSB the best, with Stanford and Santa Clara right behind. Next stop will be Cal and USF...
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