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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catching Up

Summer has been a whirlwind.  I've been gone for most of it.  Luckily the kids events all alternated so I was able to get to everything even if it meant not being home much of the summer.  In fact, I just realized I haven't gone in our pool once all summer.  That will have to be remedied soon.

But I should go back to the beginning of the summer...

Our summer started off with a trip to Scottsdale.  It was two days after Ali got out of school.  Just the girls and I went.  Bill and Stephen were going to use that week to go to Alaska, but it didn't work out for them to go.  It was a trip we'd won at St. Lucy's BASH with the intention of it being a "girls" trip.  I had told the girls they could bring friends and we'd hang at the pool.  Or we could go alone and have a spa day and shopping.  They both opted to go with just us.  We had a great time!

Two weeks later,  Ali had her last volleyball tournament in Phoenix.  It's called the Festival and it's meant to celebrate girls in sports.  So they had a big opening ceremony and all of the girls stayed in rooms together.  I took Ali by myself so I had a room by myself all week.  Kinda weird, but it was a fun week.  I got to know a lot of the parents better and Ali had a great time.

That was June.  I'll start on July soon.  First I've got to run outside and check on our puppies that we're fostering.  They are adorable and love running in the grass.

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